
Go server not working ?
  • Check if anaconda3 or miniconda3 exists

  • Check if conda environnement exists

    • Open a conda terminal

    • conda env list

    • Do you see a conda environnement named med_conda_env ?

Go server is working properly but I got errors when clicking on process buttons

Your python environnement could have problems.

Test the environnement variable MED_ENV

on WINDOWS: open a cmd terminal( 🪟 + cmd) and write set MED_ENV

on LINUX and MACOS: Open a terminal and write echo $MED_ENV

It should print a path to where your conda env is installed. If not:

MacOS: the app does not want to launch and/or the app seems buggy when opening multiple tabs. KNOWN ISSUE FOR MAC USERS AT UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE WITH THE TRELLIX ANTIVIRUS.

Problem description:

The app seems to be stuck at startup. Or after startup, when opening multiple tabs (e.g. two different csv files), the app turns all white.

Probable cause:

If you have an insitutitonal antivirus like Trellix at Université de Sherbrooke, we believe the firewall of Trellix prevents MEDomicsLab to run properly. We hope the problem will be solved once we certify (signing Mac software) the MEDomicsLab app with Apple (work in progress).


If you encounter a similar issue, and you have an antivirus installed on your computer, we recommend that you disable it when using MEDomicsLab. For Mac users at Université de Sherbrooke with Trellix, one way to momentarily disable the utilities of Trellix is to:

  1. Go to System Settings, Privacy & Security, Full Disk Access.

  2. Disable the following six extensions: fmpd, VShieldScanManager, VShieldScanner, masvc, TrellixEndpointSecurity, TrellixNetworkExtension.

  3. Restart yur computer.

Of course, once you are done working with MEDomicsLab, we recommend you enable again your antivirus! For Mac users at Unversité de Sherbrooke with Trellix, this would mean to enable again the six extensions above, and to restart your computer.

How to update to the latest release ?

1. Uninstall the application first


In a terminal, write the following command:

sudo apt remove medomicslab-application

if you had installed the v0.0.1

sudo apt remove medapp


Go in your Applications Folder in Finder.

Then, click on the MEDomicsLab Icon while holding the Ctrl key.

Finally, click on "Move to Trash"


Go to Settings > Apps

Then, click on "Installed Apps"

Search for "MEDomicsLab"

Click on the ... and finally click on "Uninstall"

2. Reinstall the application

Now, you can follow the same instructions you followed for your first installation here.

Don't worry, the Python Environment installation won't be as long as the first time.

Last updated