
Setup from the ground up 🌱

1. Installation of Nvm

2. Installation of npm/node.js

nvm install lts
nvm use lts

3. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/MEDomics-UdeS/MEDomicsLab.git

4. Setup server side (Go)

4.1 Installation of Go

  1. Download the latest stable release of Go from the official website: https://golang.org/dl/

  2. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

4.2 Setup of environment

Execute these commands in a cmd prompt:

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Go\bin"

After, close all your terminals because these commands will take effects on the initialisation of any terminal

4.3 Verify installation

  1. Open a new terminal

  2. Run the command go version

  3. If Go is installed correctly, you should see the version number printed to the console.

4.4 Setup for the application

  1. Open a new command prompt and go to the <repo path>/go_server directory.

  2. Run the command go run main.go (on first time, it should download requiered libraries and lunch the server)

  3. you can terminate the process by pressing CTRL + C

  4. Then build the app by running go build main.go (It should create an executable file -> that file will be run by the client side javascript so modification to .go files must be followed by a rebuild) Congratulations, you're now ready to start developing Go applications!

5. Init submodules

cd <.../MEDomicsLab/>
git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
cd pythonCode/submodules/MEDimage
git checkout dev_lab
cd ../MEDprofiles
git checkout fusion_MEDomicsLab

6. Start the electron app !

cd <.../MEDomicsLab>
npm install
nprm run dev

Modify startup settings

  1. Go to file medomics.dev.js

  2. Here is a description of the Object:

const config = {
  // If true, the server will be run automatically when the app is launched
  runServerAutomatically: true,
  // If true, use the react dev tools
  useRactDevTools: false,
  // the default port to use for the server, be sure that no programs use it by default
  defaultPort: 5000,
  // Either "FIX" or "AVAILABLE" (case sensitive)
  // FIX 		-­> if defaultPort is used, force terminate and use defaultPort
  // AVAILABLE 	-> if defaultPort is used, iterate to find next available port
  portFindingMethod: PORT_FINDING_METHOD.FIX

To Test the Production Build

Build the Electron app and Run the built version

npm run build:win                            # build and package the application 
.\build\dist\win-unpacked\MEDomicsLab.exe    # Run the executable of the built version

The built app will be located in the build/dist folder

Last updated