Last updated
Last updated
Go visit our github develop branch !
The requirements in this section are only necessary if you want to work from the scalability branch.
Follow the installation instructions depending on your OS MongoDB Installation.
Do not install MongoDB as a service.
You do not have to install MongoDB compass.
You do not have to install mongosh.
Do not forget to add MongoDB binaries to the System PATH.
Follow the installation instructions depending on your OS MongoDB Database Tools Installation.
Install MongoDB Database Tools on Windows
Install with the MSI Installer.
We are currently using develop as our main branch.
Download the latest stable release of Go from the official website:
Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Execute these commands in a cmd prompt:
After, close all your terminals because these commands will take effects on the initialisation of any terminal
Open a new terminal
Run the command go version
If Go is installed correctly, you should see the version number printed to the console.
Open a new command prompt and go to the <repo path>/go_server
Run the command go run main.go
(on first time, it should download requiered libraries and lunch the server)
you can terminate the process by pressing CTRL + C
Then build the app by running go build main.go
(It should create an executable file -> that file will be run by the client side javascript so modification to .go files must be followed by a rebuild) Congratulations, you're now ready to start developing Go applications!
On Windows, if you encounter error messages when running npm install,
follow the steps here to solve the issue :
You will need to install the Visual Studio Build Tools (select the C++ build environment)
Install Python3.11 from here
Use node version v18.16.1. Run:
nvm install v18.16.1
nvm use v18.16.1
Set the Python3.11 :
$Env:npm_config_python="C:\path\to\python.exe" # PowerShell
Run npm install -g node-gyp
Run again npm install
The built app will be located in the